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Sensitive Teeth
Best Sensitive Teeth Treatment in Chelsea London


It hurts to eat, drink, or brush your teeth when you have sensitive teeth. Tooth enamel erosion or exposed tooth roots are common causes of this sensitivity. Sensitivity can also result from other conditions like gum disease, worn-out fillings, cavities, chipped or cracked teeth, and so on.

Visit our dentist at Dental Clinic Chelsea if you experience discomfort from sensitive teeth so that we can examine your teeth, identify the source of the sensitivity, and recommend the best course of action.


The dentist may suggest any of the following treatments, depending on what is causing your tooth sensitivity:

Toothpaste Desensitisation

Regularly brushing your teeth with desensitising toothpaste can assist in blocking the pain receptors that cause sensitivity. There are a number of over-the-counter desensitising products on the market, but your dentist can suggest the best one.


To strengthen your enamel and lessen the discomfort caused by sensitivity, our dentist might advise fluoridating the areas of your teeth that are sensitive. Applying fluoride to your teeth with a specially designed dental tray might also be necessary.

Strengthening or Bonding

The dentist may apply bonding resin to the sensitive tooth root if the sensitivity is caused by an exposed tooth root. Local anaesthesia is often necessary for the treatment.


If the dentist determines that no other course of action will relieve sensitive teeth, a root canal may be necessary. The dental pulp, the soft tissue inside the teeth, can be treated with a root canal. Tooth sensitivity is successfully treated, despite the more involved nature of the treatment.

Emergency Sensitive Teeth Root Canal Treatment Chelsea

Recurrent tooth sensitivity can be avoided with good oral hygiene, which includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Use gentle strokes when brushing your teeth instead of an aggressive manner. Additionally, stay away from abrasive toothpaste since it can remove enamel.

Make sure you let the dentist know if you grind your teeth at night so you can get a mouth guard to shield the natural structure of your teeth from chips or cracks that could cause sensitivity.

Decrease your consumption of wine, citrus fruits, carbonated drinks, and acidic drinks to help protect your enamel. Use a straw whenever you consume acidic beverages to lessen the amount of residue they leave on your teeth, and then rinse your mouth out with water to lessen the acidity.