Oral Cancer


Are you suffering from an excruciating toothache or a loose dental filling? In that case, Dental Clinic Chelsea provides emergency appointments to take care of your pressing requirements. Among our offerings are:

Typical signs of cancer of the mouth include:

  • Loose teeth
  • Mouth ache
  • Lips or mouth sores that refuse to go away
  • Pain in the ears
  • White or reddish patch inside the lips
  • Suction pain or difficulty
  • A growth or lump inside the mouth


When cellular DNA mutations take place in the mouth or on the lips, oral cancer results. Your cells’ DNA holds instructions on how the cell should operate. Mutations alter the information within the cell, instructing the remaining cells to divide and proliferate after the healthy cells have died.

A tumour will form from the abnormal mouth cancer cells that have accumulated. The cells may eventually spread to other parts of the body in addition to the mouth and other neck and head regions.

Squamous cells, which are thin, flat cells that line the inside of the mouth and lips, are typically where oral cancers begin. Thus, oral cancers are classified as squamous cell carcinomas. Although the exact cause of the squamous cell mutations that lead to oral cancer is still unknown, medical experts have discovered a number of risk factors that raise the disease’s likelihood.

Your risk of oral cancer is increased by the following factors:

  • Excessive drinking
  • A compromised defence mechanism
  • Lips exposed to excessive amounts of sun
  • Use of tobacco products, such as pipes, cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco chewing
  • The sexually transmitted virus known as the human papillomavirus (HPV)

Although there is currently no known way to prevent mouth cancer, the following can help lower the risk:

Steer clear of tobacco use

If you smoke, you should think about giving it up, but if not, don’t start. Whether you chew or smoke tobacco, using it exposes your mouth to carcinogenic chemicals.

Limit your alcohol consumption

Drinking too much alcohol can irritate your mouth’s cells, increasing the risk of mouth cancer. Make sure to consume alcohol in moderation if you wish to. Men under the age of 65 may have up to two drinks per day, while healthy women of any age may have up to one drink daily.

Refrain from overexposing your lips to the sun

To shield your lip from the sun, try to stay in the shade whenever you can or cover your mouth and face with a hat with a wide brim. As part of your regular sun protection routine, you can also use a sunscreen lip product.

Regularly visit the dentist

Your dentist will examine every part of your mouth during your routine appointment and look for any indications of oral cancer.


Make sure to see your dentist or physician if you have any ongoing signs that worry you and do not go away after two weeks. In order to rule out typical causes of the signs and symptoms you experience, your healthcare provider will examine you and conduct certain investigations.

Make an appointment to see our dentist at Dental Clinic Chelsea right now if you’ve noticed any changes in your mouth that worry you. For more information or to make an appointment with our dentist, call 020 7193 9291.