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Dry Mouth Treatment Chelsea

Dry mouth, also referred to medically as xerostomia, is a dental condition caused by the salivary glands’ incapacity to secrete enough saliva to keep the mouth moist. Radiation therapy, some medications, and ageing can all occasionally result in dry mouth. Seldom can problems that directly affect the salivary glands cause dry mouth.

A healthy mouth is greatly aided by saliva. It eliminates food particles, neutralises bacterial acid, enhances flavour, and facilitates easy chewing and swallowing. Salivary enzymes also aid in the process of digestion.

Inadequate saliva can lead to minor to major issues with your gums, teeth, general health, appetite, and capacity to enjoy food. The treatment is based on the cause of the dry mouth.


Dry Mouth Symptoms
  • Dry mouth or a sticky feeling in the mouth
  • Saliva flowing thickly
  • Foul breath
  • Difficulties speaking, chewing, and swallowing
  • Horrible soreness and dry throat
  • Tongue that is parched
  • Unusual taste perception
  • Difficulty wearing dentures


The following factors may prevent the salivary glands from producing enough saliva to maintain a healthy mouth:

  • Medication: Several over the counter and prescription drugs can cause dry mouth as a side effect. Antidepressants, anxiety, high blood pressure, pain, some antihistamines, and other medications are among the examples.
  • Ageing: Dry mouth is a common age-related condition that is exacerbated by poor diet, chronic illnesses, some medications, and changes in how the body processes medications.
  • Cancer treatment: The radiation from this procedure can damage salivary glands and reduce the amount of saliva produced.
  • Nerve damage: When there is damage to the nerves in the head and neck, it results in dry mouth.
  • Use of alcohol and tobacco: Smoking, drinking, and using tobacco all make the symptoms of dry mouth worse.
  • Recreational drug use: Methamphetamine, cannabis, and other drugs can cause dry mouth.

Other medical conditions that can cause dry mouth include diabetes, autoimmune diseases, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. Once more, breathing through your mouth while snoring is the cause of dry mouth.


Dry Mouth Complications and Diagnosis

Dry mouth can lead to:

  • Oral sores
  • Gum disease, tooth decay, and severe plaque
  • Mouth infection caused by yeast.
  • Lips cracks
  • Inadequate dietary intake due to trouble swallowing and chewing.

To diagnose dry mouth, your doctor will examine your mouth, review your medical history, and examine all of the medications you take.

To diagnose this condition, tests to measure saliva production, salivary gland scans, or blood tests are frequently performed. To determine whether Sjogren’s syndrome is the cause of dry mouth, a biopsy will be performed and tested in a lab.


Dry Mouth Care Treatment Chelsea

Depending on what’s causing your dry mouth:

  • In cases where medication is the cause of dry mouth, your doctor may adjust your dosage or substitute the medication.
  • Certain anti-dry mouth products, such as moisturisers and artificial saliva, may be prescribed by your doctor.
  • In cases of extreme dry mouth, your physician might suggest drugs that stimulate salivary flow, such as pilocarpine (Salagen). In order to prevent cavities, they might also recommend tooth protection products like chlorhexidine rinse and fluoride trays.

At home, try these tips to avoid the symptoms of dry mouth:

  • Drink water at mealtimes and throughout the day.
  • Consume sugar-free candy and gum.
  • Use commercial saliva substitutes such as Mouth Kote.
  • Inhale via your nose.
  • Put a humidifier in your room.
  • If your lips are cracked, use lip moisturiser.


Dry Mouth Care Tips
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  • Avoid acidic and sugary foods and beverages.
  • Avoid products made of tobacco.
  • Avoid decongestants and antihistamines available over the counter.
  • Use floss and fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth.
  • Use a fluoride mouthwash before going to bed.
  • See your dentist for a dental exam every six months.

Prior to visiting your physician, you ought to do the following:

  • Make a note of each symptom you experience.
  • Determine the aspects of your lifestyle that cause dry mouth.
  • Make a list of every drug you take and every question you have for your doctor.