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Dental implant Costs


Dental implant treatment at Dental Clinic Chelsea begins at £2,400, with the option to spread the cost over several monthly payments. Since every case is unique, the price varies depending on the type of treatment you require.

Before beginning treatment, your dentist will go over your specific needs during your implant consultation and provide you with an accurate estimate of the cost. A completely personalized treatment plan will also be provided to you, so what you are paying for is understood completely.

Are you considering Dental Implants?

Another type of orthodontic appliance known as “invisible braces” is a fixed ceramic or clear brace that is cemented to the teeth and cannot be removed, hence the name “fixed braces.” This brace system is known as an “invisible brace” because the ceramic brackets, which are tooth-coloured, or the clear plastic brackets, which are much less noticeable than metal braces. The metal parts of fixed braces, which were sometimes called “train tracks,” were the only components available until the invention of ceramic braces. The metal wire in invisible fixed ceramic braces can be covered in tooth-coloured plastic to further reduce its visibility.

When compared to alternatives, why can Dental Implant treatment be more expensive?

Dental implants are constructed of titanium, and a porcelain or ceramic crown (a substitute tooth) is placed on top. Alternatives like bridges and dentures are typically composed of acrylic, a kind of plastic, which can result in a lower cost.

Better than other options, dental implants are a dependable and long-lasting solution. Unlike alternative treatments, they don’t involve reducing or harming your remaining healthy teeth!

Divide the cost of your Dental Implant treatment over time:

For treatments costing between £400 and £60,000, patient finance is offered at 0% APR. This allows you to spread out the cost of your treatment over a term that works best for you and ensures that you don’t pay back more than you would have otherwise.

You will be able to apply after you and your dentist have decided on your course of treatment.

Consultation for Dental Implants- how much do they cost?

An enquiring coordinator can provide free phone consultations for implants. You can schedule a consultation with your practice if you would rather speak with your doctor in person. Your dentist will perform an evaluation during your consultation so they can recommend the best course of action for you.

Can I receive NHS treatment for dental implants?

Dental implant therapy is typically not provided by the NHS and is only accessible to private patients. In certain rare circumstances, such as when you’ve lost teeth as a result of a serious accident or mouth cancer, you might be eligible for treatment through the NHS.


The following factors are included in our costs at Dental Clinic Chelsea:

Dental Implant Treatment Costs Chelsea London
  • Unmatched experience

    Our highly skilled and knowledgeable dentists, who have been implanting teeth for many years, have exceptional abilities and experience.

  • Premium implants

    We exclusively utilise premium implants manufactured by Nobel Biocare or 3i Implant Innovations.

  • Superior calibre of care

    The level of treatment provided at our dental office surpasses that of a typical dentist.

  • Amazing patient testimonials

    Our many 5-star testimonials from satisfied clients attest to our commitment to implant placement success.

Consultation with an implant specialist regarding implants (including all small xrays).


For a three-dimensional CT scan for precise and comprehensive planning (payable to the imaging centre).

Between £100 and £200

Complete evaluation of options, risk/benefit analysis, consent, and surgical stent construction.

Between £450 and £950

Implant placement

Between £2,200 and £2,400

Ceramic crown supported by an implant.

Between £2,200 and £2,400

Crown and single unit implant combined (all-inclusive).

Between £5,500 and £6,500

Bone grafting in blocks.

Between £1,500 and £3,500

Gum (soft tissue) grafting.

Between £750 and £1,500

Bone grafting and maxillary sinus lift

Between £1,500 and £3,500

Temporary plastic implant crown.

Between £550 and £950

Gold bar and fasteners to sustain a denture held in place by implants.

Between £2,500 and £1,500

Intravenous sedation (for extremely complicated or protracted cases or extremely nervous patients).

Anaesthetist to be paid £350 per hour

Prescription drug

Without charge

Although implants can seem pricey at first, they are actually more affordable over time because they don’t harm neighbouring teeth. The costs of this treatment are broken down over the course of the treatment plan in an effort to make it more affordable!

Priorities will be set for the treatment, and it will proceed at the patient’s request and the clinically necessary pace. For instance, if patients need more time for treatment because of their financial circumstances, this can be arranged.