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Factors influence the size and position of the jaws and teeth. They may therefore be crowded, uneven, or protruding. It is possible to prevent and treat this tooth misalignment.

Teeth that are crowded or crooked are typically visible when you smile. If the misalignment is at the back of your jaws, though, it might not be as obvious. They may interfere with the way your teeth work.


Crooked Teeth Cause and Treatment Chelsea

Crowded teeth are caused by a number of factors, which include:


Genetics plays a major role in most orthodontic cases, including overbite, underbite, and crooked teeth. They cannot, therefore, be avoided. For this reason, it is suggested that kids in the 7–8 age range be brought in for a specific orthodontic evaluation. It is possible to address these issues by detecting them early.

Baby teeth The position of future adult teeth is largely determined by the baby teeth. Early tooth loss in children can cause the neighbouring tooth to move into the space, which will lessen the amount of room for adult teeth to erupt. It’s critical to take good care of your baby’s teeth and to act fast to treat any dental trauma or tooth loss.

Thumb and Fingers

An open bite can result from the front teeth moving upward following eruption due to thumb and finger sucking. Thumb sucking has effects that become apparent when adult teeth erupt, even though they may not be apparent in early childhood.

Gum Disease

Early treatment of gum disease is crucial because it can cause your teeth to become loose and shift in alignment. This will impact your bite as well.


The teeth may crowd and drift forward with age. This is because as we age, the jawbone becomes less dense and loses its natural shape, which encourages teeth to crowd together in the front of the mouth.

Injuries and failing to wear retainers after straightening your teeth with braces or Invisalign are two more reasons for crooked teeth.