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We at Dental Clinic Chelsea are aware of the impact a chipped or broken tooth can have on your oral health and confidence. Our goal is to assist you in getting your smile back as soon as possible.

Depending on the extent and location of the damage, we offer a variety of treatments to fix chipped teeth. These could consist of veneers, crowns, dental bonding, and in certain situations, root canal therapy.

Chipped Tooth Chelsea

Our dentist will use dental bonding to repair and reshape the chipped tooth, giving it a brand-new appearance, using a composite resin that matches the colour of the tooth. This is frequently the preferred choice for small chips.

Veneers or crowns might be a better option for more severe damage. A crown covers the entire tooth, whereas a veneer is a thin layer of porcelain covering the front of the tooth. In addition to strengthening the chipped tooth and repairing it, these options shield it from additional harm.

Recall that the sooner you receive treatment, the better the results will be. Thus, don’t be afraid to give us a call at 020 7193 9291 to make an appointment if you’ve chipped a tooth. At Dental Clinic Chelsea, our team is here to help you regain confidence in your smile!


Chipped Tooth Treatment and Care Chelsea

If you break teeth, make sure to get in touch with your dentist right away to schedule an appointment. This lessens the chance of infection, additional harm, and tooth loss.

Try the following while you wait for the dentist.

  • To relieve the pain, take over-the-counter medications like paracetamol and gargle with salt water.
  • To prevent cuts inside your mouth, place wax paraffin or sugar-free chewing gum over the sharp edges of the broken tooth.
  • Avoid biting down on your chipped teeth; instead, eat soft food.


The best course of action will depend on the severity of the damage. While some treatments are time-consuming, costly, and complex, others are straightforward and inexpensive.


If there is only a small chipped portion of the tooth that can be filled, bonding with composite resin that matches the colour of the tooth is a good solution if the chipped portion is noticeable when smiling. The process of dental bonding involves the dentist roughening the surface of your teeth, applying adhesive to hold the composite resin material, shaping it, and using UV light to cure it.


The appearance of teeth is distorted by large breaks or tooth decay, but dental crowns can be used to restore the teeth. There are several materials that can be used to make dental crowns, including metal, ceramic, porcelain, and resin.

Two dental visits are needed for dental crowns. The dentist will take impressions of your teeth, prepare the tooth, and place a temporary crown during the initial appointment. The permanent crown fitting takes place on the second visit.


Veneers, which are thin porcelain or resin coverings, can be used to cover up damage to teeth if it is on the surface. In order to make the permanent veneer in a lab, this process will involve reducing the tooth while making an impression of your teeth.

The veneer will be fixed by the dentist by first roughening the tooth with a liquid, then applying adhesive, placing the veneer on the tooth, and hardening it with a special light.


A wide tooth fracture can expose the pulp of the tooth, which can then become infected or damaged. When the pulp of the tooth becomes infected, root canal therapy may be necessary to remove the dead pulp and thoroughly clean the tooth before resealing it.


Broken Tooth Care Chelsea
  • Holding the pieces or teeth by the crown, collect them. If the tooth isn’t dirty, don’t rinse it, and don’t scrub or scrape it.
  • Swish some warm water over your mouth. If at all possible, use a gauze pad to gently reposition the tooth or store it in milk. Treating a tooth that has been replaced within 30 minutes has a higher chance of success.
  • For the pain, take an ibuprofen or other pain reliever.