Emergency Broken Denture Repair Chelsea Banner
Broken Denture Repair


In London, our dentists offer same-day dentures. It is the answer for people who have lost teeth and must replace them right away or who have broken their denture and require a replacement denture right away. We are glad to provide this Dental Clinic Chelsea service.

Emergency Denture Repair and Replacement London

Considering the following scenarios for emergency denture repair:

  • A person has lost their denture.
  • Has cracked their denture, rendering it useless, and requires emergency care to replace it.
  • Has experienced an accident or other circumstance that has caused them to lose teeth and requires immediate replacement.

Then, in order to assist our patients with their urgent needs, we at Dental Clinic Chelsea offer to make dentures the same day.

In other words, if a patient needs a denture to replace a few missing teeth, we can take their impressions in the morning and have their new denture ready for them by late evening.

In most cases, we can create a denture in less than a day if a full denture is required to replace every missing tooth in one or both jaws. For obvious reasons, the clinical and laboratory requirements for this type of denture make it take a little longer to make than smaller dentures.


Acrylic plastic is used to make immediate dentures or same-day dentures. To create a denture that replaces a few missing teeth, we first take a jaw impression and select the tooth colour.

After that, our technician will visit the clinic especially to create and assemble the denture. We will be able to give you your new denture by the evening because it takes several hours to produce the denture.

More time is required if many teeth are missing or a full denture needs to be made because multiple clinical measurements at various stages must be taken before the denture can be made. In these situations, the dentist and the technician need at least a day to make it.


Same day Denture Repair Chelsea

Indeed. The process for creating these dentures is the same as it is when one is created over several days. Simply put, the technician needs to focus on creating your denture because of the urgent nature of the work. The denture is made using standard operating procedures and steps. The only reason these dentures are more expensive than normal is that the technician must come to the clinic to complete the work instead of having it done in their laboratory over the course of several days or weeks.