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Mouth Sores


Mouth sores are tiny, shallow lesions that form in the base of the gums or other soft tissues in the mouth. They are also known as canker sores or aphthous ulcers. Since these sores hurt most of the time, eating and speaking are challenging.

Although mouth sores are common, they usually go away in one to two weeks. However, you might need to see a dentist if the sores are large, painful, and persistent.

Mouth Sores Diagnosis and Treatment Chelsea, London


A visual examination is sufficient for diagnosing mouth sores, so your healthcare provider does not need to order any tests. To rule out other possible causes of your mouth sores, though, you might need to have some tests done, particularly if they are severe and persistent.

Minor mouth sores usually go away on their own in a week or two, so treatment is usually not required. Large, painful, and persistent sores, however, require medical attention. Your healthcare provider will advise you on the best course of action from the various treatment options available.

The following are treatments:


In cases where there are numerous sores, your physician might suggest using a mouthwash that contains lidocaine to ease pain or the steroid dexamethasone to reduce inflammation.

Topical Products for Mouth Sores in Chelsea


To reduce discomfort and promote quicker healing, you can also apply liquids, gels, pastes, or creams that are available over the counter that are prescribed. Typically, these over-the-counter products include the following:

  • Fluocinonide (Lidex, Vanos)
  • Benzocaine (Kank-A, Zilactin-B, Anbesol, Orabase)
  • Hydrogen peroxide (Peroxyl, Oragel antiseptic mouthwash)

There are other topical treatments for mouth sores that don’t contain these active ingredients. It is best to speak with your physician or dentist to suggest one.


Best Oral Medications for Mouth Sores

When topical treatments are ineffective for treating severe mouth sores, your healthcare provider may recommend oral medication.

Among the oral treatments for mouth sores are:

  • When other treatments are ineffective for the sores, oral steroids may be used, but they have major adverse effects.
  • Drugs not specifically designed to treat mouth sores, such as those used to treat intestinal ulcers.
  • Colchicine is used to treat gout, and sucralfate (Carafate) is used as a coating agent.


During cautery, the medical practitioner will burn the tissues with a substance or tool.

Debacterol is a topical medication used to treat mouth sores and gum disease. Applying its topical solution speeds up the healing process to roughly a week.

Another solution for chemical cautery of mouth sores is silver nitrate. While it eases the discomfort associated with mouth sores, it might not hasten their healing.


The following advice can hasten healing and relieve mouth sore discomfort:

Mouth Sores Home Remedies Chelsea
  • Rinse your mouth with salt water or baking soda rinse (one teaspoon baking soda in half a cup of warm water).
  • Steer clear of foods that are abrasive, spicy, or acidic as they may exacerbate discomfort.
  • Use toothpaste without a foaming agent and a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently brush your teeth.
  • Place ice on the sores and gradually let the ice cubes melt over the sores.
  • Apply magnesia milk to the sores a few times a day.


A precise diagnosis can be made by the dentist or physician based on how your mouth sores look. As you prepare for your appointment, make sure you have the following details available:

  • Describe your symptoms, noting when they first appeared and whether they have changed or gotten worse.
  • Make a list of all the illnesses you have and check if any of them have mouth sores as symptoms.
  • Recent changes that you have gone through?
  • Make a list of everything you take, including prescription, over-the-counter, vitamin, and supplement medications.
  • Have you had any dental work recently?
  • What do you typically eat for a day?
  • Have you recently experienced stress or significant life changes?
  • Which symptoms do you have?
  • Have you ever had mouth sores like this before? If so, what specifically sets them off?
  • Do you suffer from any health issues?
  • Have you previously had treatment for sores? If so, which therapy was most effective?
  • Is mouth soreness a family history for you?
  • Which medication do you currently take?

If you have painful or recurrent mouth sores, make an appointment with our dentist by visiting Dental Clinic Chelsea today or by calling 020 7193 9291.