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Tooth Abscess
Tooth Abscess Treatment Chelsea


A tooth abscess occurs when pus builds up around the tooth due to bacteria. Periapical abscess, the condition at the tip of the root, is visible. It may also appear as a periodontal abscess, or on the gums next to a tooth root.

The periapical abscess is the subject of this post. A periapical abscess usually develops as a result of untreated dental work, cavities, or injuries to teeth.

The process of draining pus and eliminating infection is the treatment for an abscess. Sometimes your tooth needs to be extracted; other times, it can be restored with a root canal. Ignoring a dental abscess can lead to long-term problems that could be fatal.


As soon as you notice any signs of a tooth abscess, schedule an appointment with the dentist.

For symptoms like a swollen face, fever, difficulty swallowing, or difficulty breathing, you can see your dentist as well as go to the emergency room. It’s possible that the illness has spread to different body areas.


Tooth Abscess Causes and Symptoms
  • Severe, ongoing, throbbing toothache that extended to the jaw, ear, and neck.
  • Sensitivity to materials that are hot or cold
  • Sensitivity to pressure from biting and chewing
  • Swollen cheek or face
  • High temperature
  • Sore and swollen lymph nodes beneath your jaw or in your neck
  • Pain relief in the event that the abscess bursts, as well as the abrupt release of a salty liquid that tastes and smells awful in your mouth
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing

When bacteria infiltrate the dental pulp—the central part of the tooth that houses blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue—periapical abscesses result. Bacteria may enter through a dental cavity or a chipped or cracked tooth, from which they can spread to the root. The infection may cause the root tip to swell and become inflamed.


Tooth Abscess Risks Complications and Prevention
  • Sugar-rich foods: Consuming sugar-rich foods and drinks in excess can lead to cavities and dental abscesses in the future.
  • Bad dental hygiene: Tooth decay, gum disease, abscesses, and other oral problems can be brought on by not brushing and flossing your teeth regularly.
  • Dry mouth: Tooth decay risk can be increased by dry mouth, which can be caused by medications or age.

Tooth abscesses will persist if they are not treated. Although less painful, a ruptured abscess requires dental care. If the abscess is not cleared, the infection could spread to the areas of your head and neck. Even the potentially fatal infection sepsis could develop.

A weakened immune system combined with an untreated tooth abscess increases the chance of infection spread.

You can lessen your risk of developing a tooth abscess and stop tooth decay by:

  • Consuming fluoridated drinking water
  • Using fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Using an interdental brush, clean the spaces between your teeth every day.
  • Consuming nutritious meals, abstaining from sugary foods, and snacking in between.
  • Having professional cleanings and examinations every few months


Your tooth and its surrounding tissues will be examined by your dentist. They might also:

  • Check if your tooth is sensitive to pressure by tapping it; this is a sign of a periapical abscess.
  • Take a dental X-ray to find out if the infection has spread or to find an abscess
  • Perform a CT scan to determine whether the infection has progressed inside the neck
Tooth Abscess Diagnosis and Treatment Chelsea

To remove the infection, your dentist may choose to do any of the following:

  • Cut and empty the abscess: A tiny incision will be made into the abscess, and the contents will be drained out. The area is then cleaned using seawater.
  • Root canal: will both save your tooth and get rid of the infection.
  • Extracting: the tooth involves treating the infection, draining the abscess, and extracting the infected tooth.
  • Antibiotics: If you have a weakened immune system or an abscess that is spreading to other parts of your body, this medication can help.


  • Rinse your mouth out with warm, salt water.
  • Use over-the-counter analgesics.


Actions to take:

  • Enumerate all of your symptoms, even if they have nothing to do with your tooth pain.
  • Make a list of all the drugs you take and make a list of the questions you want to ask your dentist, such as what tests you should get and what the best course of action is.
  • Make additional inquiries as well.