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Geographic Tongue


A benign inflammatory condition on the surface of the tongue is called geographic tongue. The tongue will develop tiny, pinkish-white bumps with short, hair-like projections when it occurs. Eating hot, very cold, or spicy food can be difficult with this condition.

Geographic Tongue Treatment Chelsea

Geographic tongue refers to missing papillae, which are smooth red patches with slightly elevated borders on the tongue’s surface.

The tongue typically takes on a geographic or map-like appearance due to these lesions or patches. Lesions will spread to another area after they heal in one. For this reason, benign migratory glossitis is another name for geographic tongue.

Geographic tongue is a relatively concerning condition, but it doesn’t lead to other illnesses and isn’t associated with cancer or infections. On the other hand, having a geographic tongue may cause discomfort and heighten sensitivity to flavours, spices, and salt.


The symptoms of geographic tongue are as follows:

  • Red, smooth patches that are irregularly shaped on the top or side of your tongue
  • Frequent alterations to lesions’ size, shape, colour, and location
  • Burning or soreness on the tongue after consuming spicy or acidic foods
  • The majority of people who have geographic tongues are asymptomatic. Days, months, or even years may pass while this condition persists. It can, however, go away on its own and reappear eventually.


It is unknown what causes the geographic tongue. This makes preventing the illness challenging.

However, the geographic tongue is thought to be connected to lichen planus and psoriasis. For a deeper understanding, more research should be conducted.

Geographic Tongue Treatment Chelsea

Studies on the variables that raise a person’s chance of developing the geographic tongue did not yield consistent findings. Nonetheless, it’s thought that the following elements may make someone more susceptible to the illness:

  • Family history: Due to inherited genetic factors, your risk may increase if you or someone you know has a geographic tongue.
  • Fissured tongue: It has been observed that a fissured tongue disorder is typically present in individuals with geographic tongues. The tongue appears to have deep grooves due to this disorder.


Geographic Tongue Symptoms and Risk Chelsea

There is no risk to your health and no long-term complications associated with geographic tongue. Geographic tongue is referred to as a benign condition that doesn’t raise your risk of developing any serious health issues.

People worry about the condition, though, because depending on how visible the lesions are, having a mapped-out tongue appears embarrassing. Additionally, it could be hard to accept that nothing is gravely wrong.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Dental Clinic Chelsea’s dental experts if you experience any of the geographic tongue symptoms. We promise to make the most of your time!