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Cavities, or caries, are other names for tooth decay, which is a common dental condition marked by small holes formed in the hard surface of teeth that are permanently damaged. They are caused by a variety of things, such as oral bacteria, sugar-filled beverages, poor dental hygiene, and frequent snacking.

Infection, tooth loss, and excruciating pain can result from untreated tooth decay as it grows larger and affects deeper tooth layers. By practicing proper oral hygiene and scheduling routine dental visits, you can guard against tooth decay.

Tooth Decay Diagnosis Chelsea London


Your dentist can identify tooth decay when you visit them by:

  • Reviewing your x-rays, which indicate the extent of tooth decay.
  • Looking into your mouth and teeth.
  • Inquiring about tooth pain and sensitivity.
  • Using a dental tool to probe your teeth in order to look for any soft areas.


During your routine dental examinations, your dentist can detect cavities and other dental conditions before they worsen and pose a risk to your life. Early cavity treatment increases the chance of reversing the disease at its earliest stage and stopping it from progressing. You won’t require extensive treatment if you treat tooth decay before it starts to hurt.

The severity of your cavity and your circumstances will determine how best to treat it. Typical therapies for dental decay consist of the following:

  • Fluoride treatment:To restore your enamel, your dentist might advise fluoride treatment if your tooth decay is still in its early stages. Treatment with fluoride may be able to stop tooth decay in its tracks in certain circumstances. More fluoride is present in fluoride treatments than in toothpaste, mouthwash, and tap water. You can brush on your fluoridated teeth or place it in a small tray that fits over your teeth to receive your fluoride treatment in the form of foam, varnish, liquid, or gel.
  • Restorations/ Fillings:Sometimes known as fillings, are a common treatment for tooth decay that has advanced past its initial stages. Different materials, such as porcelain, dental amalgam, and tooth-coloured resins, are available for fillings.
  • Crowns: Your dentist might advise getting a crown fitted if you have a weekend tooth that is the result of significant tooth decay. A crown is a covering that is specially made to replace the crown of a tooth. To make sure the crown fits perfectly, the dentist will drill out the damaged tooth and some of the surrounding tooth. Additionally, a variety of materials, including resin, high-strength porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, gold, and other materials, are available for dental crowns.
  • Root canals: Your dentist may perform a root canal if the decay has reached the pulp, the interior portion of the teeth. Instead of extracting the tooth, a root canal involves repairing a severely damaged or infected tooth. After extracting the diseased pulp and treating it with medication, the dentist will replace the pulp with a filling.
  • Tooth extraction: The dentist will extract the tooth if it is too damaged to be restored. When a tooth is extracted, a space is left behind, forcing other teeth to erupt into it. You might need to think about getting a bridge or dental implant to replace the lost tooth after tooth extraction.


Make sure to make an appointment with your dentist if you experience pain or sensitivity in your teeth.

Appointment for Tooth Decay Treatment Chelsea

Prior to your scheduled time, make a list of:

  • The dosages of all the medications, herbal remedies, vitamins, and other supplements you are taking.
  • Anything you would like to ask the dentist.
  • Any adverse reaction to local anaesthetics or drug allergies.

You may ask the following fundamental queries to your dentist:

  • How long must pass after the procedure before I can eat or drink anything?
  • When will the pain end?
  • What will make the pain go away?
  • How many clinic visits will I require to receive treatment?
  • Is my cavity straightforward, or do I require a crown or root canal?
  • How do I go about avoiding cavities?


To save you time, you should be ready to provide accurate answers to any questions your dentist may ask to help them make an accurate diagnosis.

Tooth Decay Appointment and Treatment Chelsea London

Among the inquiries your dentist might make are:

  • Does biting down worsen the discomfort?
  • Do you use fluoride-containing toothpaste?
  • How frequently do you floss?
  • What prescription medications do you take?
  • How frequently do you floss?
  • Have you ever had dry mouth?
  • Do you consume a lot of sugar-filled drinks, sodas, or candy?
  • Do foods that are too sweet or too cold cause dental pain?

You may ask the following fundamental queries to your dentist:

  • How long must pass after the procedure before I can eat or drink anything?
  • When will the pain end?
  • What will make the pain go away?
  • How many clinic visits will I require to receive treatment?
  • Is my cavity straightforward, or do I require a crown or root canal?
  • How do I go about avoiding cavities?