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Childrens Dentists in Chelsea, London


Children and teenagers of all ages are welcome at Dental Clinic Chelsea, a family-friendly facility. We think that virtues should be instilled from an early age.

Everything your loved ones need to feel at home is available in our clinic. In order to give them the best start possible and continue to provide over time, our welcoming team provides a variety of treatments.

We believe your children will look forward to visiting Dental Clinic Chelsea because it is such a warm and inviting place.

It’s also good to know that your kids don’t have to skip school to get an appointment because our pediatric dentist is open on Saturdays!


Early Dental Care Treatment in Chelsea

Early treatment of orthodontic issues is crucial. Ignoring them or waiting until it’s too late could cause minor issues to grow into major ones and open the door to more extensive and costly treatment down the road.

Our staff is aware of the challenges that young people face as they grow, and we are prepared to help them with a variety of discrete, quick, and safe straightening solutions that won’t make them look foolish in the playground or common area.

Additionally, options for braces and straightening that are not offered at NHS centers are found for kids and teenagers.

We recommend having an initial orthodontic evaluation approximately a year after the adult teeth erupt fully. The ideal time to see an orthodontist can be recommended by our children’s dentist, and we have a team of brace specialists on hand to assist you.

We provide a variety of braces at Dental Clinic Chelsea, including options that are invisible and discrete. Orthodontic treatment does not always require fixed metal braces; clear removable aligners or invisible braces that are hidden behind the teeth can be excellent options for both adults and children who are self-conscious about the appearance of braces.


Early childhood dental visits not only provide your child with the best chance of maintaining good health, but they also play a critical role in assisting your child in becoming accustomed to the sights and sounds of the dentist.

It is advisable to schedule an appointment for your child when they are approximately 12 months old or within six months of their first teeth coming through.

Our welcoming staff will guarantee that your kids are in capable hands as they develop.


It’s critical to start monitoring your baby’s oral hygiene and habits as soon as their teeth erupt. This entails using fluoride toothpaste to brush their teeth twice a day, monitoring their sugar intake, and paying attention to their diet.

Babies and Toddlers Best Dentist in Chelsea, London

We are all aware that sugar is bad for our teeth, but did you know that the damage is caused more by how often we consume it than by how much we consume in total? For instance, consuming one candy every hour of the day is not as bad for your child’s teeth as consuming the entire pack at once. After a meal is the ideal time for a child to consume sweets.

Remember that other foods, such as fruit juice and squash, also contain sugar. Maintaining the health of milk teeth is crucial because they are not only necessary for eating but also for speech development, facial appearance, and creating space for the emergence of adult teeth.

We provide a variety of braces at Dental Clinic Chelsea, including options that are invisible and discrete. Orthodontic treatment does not always require fixed metal braces; clear removable aligners or invisible braces that are hidden behind the teeth can be excellent options for both adults and children who are self-conscious about the appearance of braces.

AGES- 5 TO 6

Your child’s first permanent teeth will begin to erupt at the age of five or six. Since these adult molars erupt behind baby teeth rather than in place of them, many people fail to recognize that they are permanent teeth and fail to take proper care of them. This is the age at which you ought to begin taking your child for routine dental examinations.

In order to help shield the back teeth from decay, we can also provide fissure sealants. By sealing up the tiny “fissures” or gaps on the biting surfaces of the teeth, sealants prevent food from becoming stuck there and make cleaning the teeth easier. Fissure sealants are quick and painless to apply because they are just brushed onto the tooth’s surface. In order to help shield the back teeth from decay, we can also provide fissure sealants. By sealing up the tiny “fissures” or gaps on the biting surfaces of the teeth, sealants prevent food from becoming stuck there and make cleaning the teeth easier. Fissure sealants are quick and easy to apply because they are simply brushed onto the tooth’s surface.

AGES- 7 TO 9

The time to evaluate your child for possible orthodontic (brace) treatment is when the baby teeth start to fall out and are replaced by adult teeth. At this age, we can begin to observe the adult teeth’s positions and keep an eye on the jaw’s development for any possible issues.

While not every child will require braces to straighten their teeth, our team of dentists and orthodontists can offer a variety of options to support your child if that is the case. Early orthodontic treatment may be able to save patients from having to undergo extensive brace therapy later in life or possibly avoid the need for face surgery.


We can make sure your kids have a proper tooth-brushing technique and are getting all the areas of their mouth when they start to brush their teeth on their own and become more self-reliant. We can thoroughly clean your teen’s teeth during routine hygiene appointments and offer advice on maintaining good oral hygiene!