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Dental Inlays Onlays Treatment in Chelsea

Dental professionals weigh a number of options when it comes to repairing a damaged tooth. Fillings are used to fix small problems, whereas dental crowns and fixtures are typically used to treat slightly more severe decay or damage. In between cases, dental onlays and inlays are utilised.

Custom fillings called inlays and onlays are made to cover the chewing surface, or the upper portion of the tooth. They are constructed of porcelain for the greatest strength and durability, just like dental crowns. After that, dental cement is used to firmly attach the prosthesis to the damaged tooth.

You’re in good hands at Chelsea Dental Clinic. Our team of experts performs dental inlays and onlays with professionalism and expertise.


Dental inlays and onlays are two distinct procedures, despite having the same objective of repairing or replacing the tooth’s crown.

Differences Between Dental Inlays and Onlays

Inlays, also called teeth cusps, are used to fill in the spaces between your teeth. They are typically smaller than onlays. Dental inlays function similarly to large fillings. Onlays, on the other hand, are larger prosthetics used for one or more cusps. Partial crowns are another name for dental onlays. Together, you and the professionals at Dental Clinic Chelsea will decide which course of action is best for you.

For nearly 40 years, we have led the dental field, and we collaborate with each patient to create a customised smile makeover!



Among the advantages of inlays and onlays are:

  • Whether you go with porcelain or gold, the material is incredibly durable.
  • They are more durable than a typical filling and will last for years with proper dental care.
  • Expert dental laboratories craft them specifically for your teeth.
  • provides an excellent remedy if your fillings break frequently.

    The process for inlays and onlays looks like this:

    You will first schedule an initial consultation. A warm welcome from our welcoming staff will greet you, and then you will have a thorough discussion about the extent of damage or decay and the necessary steps to restore the tooth with one of our dentists.

    After that, your dentist will take a dental impression of the tooth to send to a lab for custom creation of your prosthetic inlay or onlay. As a temporary measure, a filling will be inserted; this can take a few weeks.

    At last, you will come back for the fitting of your permanent inlay and onlay, which entails removing the temporary filling and using resin to cement the new prosthetic in place. After that, your dentist will make any required adjustments and make sure everything is biting as it should.

  • Although a precise lifespan is difficult to predict, inlays and onlays are known to be robust and long-lasting. Inlays and onlays, as opposed to conventional metal fillings, can actually strengthen the teeth. The patient’s overall oral health, the state of the tooth, and the nerve quality within the tooth are some of the factors that will determine how long the tooth will last.

  • Treatments for inlays and onlays may require multiple appointments. Following a preliminary consultation, your dentist will make an impression of the cavity by drilling the affected tooth. After that, this impression is sent to an outside lab to be created into an onlay or permanent inlay. Next, resin- a material that resembles cement- is fitted into this. Lastly, your dentist will examine your bite and adjust it if needed.