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Treatment for Emergency Tooth Extraction at Dental Clinic Chelsea

Tooth Extraction Treatment Chelsea London

There are numerous reasons why having a tooth extracted could be necessary. Among them are

  • Severe gum disease (periodontal disease)
  • Tooth decay
  • A tooth break that cannot be fixed
  • Crowded teeth—when your teeth don’t have enough room in your jaw.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth—an abscess on your gums or around your teeth.

Getting Ready for Dental Care Services

Emergency Tooth Extraction Dental Care Chelsea

The Dental Clinic Chelsea’s dentist will go over how to get ready for the procedure with you. Informing your dentist about any allergies, recent surgery, medical conditions, and medications you take is very important.

Your dentist will go over everything with you beforehand, including any pain you may be experiencing. Ask questions whenever you have doubts. There is never a small question. Having complete knowledge about the procedure will put you at ease and enable you to give your approval.


Typically, a local anaesthetic will be used to remove your tooth or teeth. Your gums will no longer hurt at all, but pressure will still be felt. To ensure that you are aware of what is happening, you will remain awake throughout the process. We can talk more about the anaesthetic and the process if you’re really nervous about having your tooth extracted. What’s best for you will be advised by your dentist.


Depending on what’s wrong with your tooth, there might be alternative treatments available if you don’t want to have it extracted. Before extracting your tooth, your dentist will consider all of your options. On occasion, however, extraction is the best course of action. Your dentist will discuss the reasons for this as well as any potential impacts on your health if the tooth is not removed.


A few minutes following tooth extraction, your gums might bleed. Once the bleeding has stopped, your dentist will give you a piece of soft padding to bite on and you’ll be able to return home. For a day or two, you could experience some bleeding. Your saliva will be combined with the blood, giving the impression that there is more blood than there is. But get in touch with your dentist if the bleeding doesn’t stop.


Your dentist will give you instructions on how to take care of your teeth and gums before you leave for home. They might suggest an antibacterial mouthwash and painkillers. To lower your risk of getting sick, they could give you some antibiotics.

Following tooth extractions, follow-up appointments are not always necessary. However, if the procedure you had was complicated, you may need to return to the dentist so they can assess the healing process. You’ll have a date assigned to this!


You might not feel well enough to get back to work or your regular schedule for one or more days. However, most people can resume their regular lives the following day, including their jobs.

If you underwent a local anaesthetic, it might take several hours for your mouth to feel normal again. After having a tooth extracted, your dentist might advise against sucking on straws, blowing your nose, or sneezing forcefully. This might interfere with the healing process. A few days following the extraction of your tooth, you might experience some discomfort and swelling.

For the first day, applying an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel over your jaw will help minimize swelling. It ought to fully subside in ten days or so. Your jaw may feel a little stiff for a week, and you may have some bruises for a few weeks. In case your jaw is stiff, avoid forcing it open.


When a tooth is extracted, you’ll feel some pressure in your mouth, but it shouldn’t hurt. Notify your dentist right away if you experience any pain.

Best Dentist For Tooth Extraction in Chelsea

The anesthesia may cause soreness in your mouth after a while. You can take over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or paracetamol if you need pain relief. It might be recommended by your dentist that you take ibuprofen and paracetamol together. Read the patient information booklet that is included with your medications at all times. Consult a pharmacist for advice if you have any questions. After having a tooth extracted, some people experience increased pain for three days, but it usually subsides in a week to ten days. This is a perfectly typical occurrence. If your excruciating pain continues to worsen,


  • Please be careful not to bite your tongue until the local anaesthetic has worn off, especially when speaking, drinking, or eating.
  • For as long as you can, try to rest and keep your head up to stop the bleeding.
  • Start with soft food that you don’t need to chew much when you’re feeling hungry. Try to avoid eating on the side of your mouth where the tooth was extracted.
  • For at least fifteen minutes, bite down on a sanitized pad of material, like a clean handkerchief, if your gums are bleeding.
  • – Brush your teeth, starting each day closer to the healing wound but initially keeping your toothbrush away from it. Before brushing, you might try soaking your toothbrush in hot water to make it softer.
  • Eat nothing hot or drink anything hot until the local anesthetic has worn off. If not, you run the risk of scalding or burning your mouth.
  • For at least a day, refrain from washing your mouth. Any blood clot that has formed could be disturbed by this, and you might begin bleeding once more. Use a mouthwash containing salt water to gently rinse after this period. A teaspoon of table salt dissolved in a glass of hot (not boiling) water is how you make this at home. To keep the area clean, rinse four times a day. Hold the rinse in your mouth for a few minutes before expelling it.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption for a minimum of 24 hours and refrain from smoking for as long as feasible.


A treatment plan will be provided.