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Fear and anxiety prevent many people from visiting the dentist for routine dental care. When a patient is under sedation, dental care is provided in a relaxed and stress-free setting.

Dental Sedation - Dental Clinic Chelsea


Using sedative drugs to create a calm environment for the patient is known as dental sedation. While you are sedated by these drugs, you do not fall asleep, even though you feel extremely sleepy. Compared to a general anaesthetic, it is safer and lighter.


Sedation dentistry is likely to be helpful for anyone who needs dental work, whether for aesthetic or medical reasons, but is extremely afraid of needles or feels anxious about getting treatment. It may be challenging for patients to cooperate with the dentist during dental treatment if they have painful, extremely sensitive teeth or issues with a local anaesthetic. Sedation can help these patients feel more at ease. Anyone who has previously experienced a traumatic or terrifying dental procedure could be anxious about returning to the dentist’s chair. This can be overcome with sedation. Furthermore, individuals with a strong gag reflex or those with illnesses like Parkinson’s disease that impair their ability to control their body movements can also benefit from the tranquil feeling of sedatives.




IV Sedation Treatment in Chelsea

To give patients the impression that they are asleep, a sedative medication is injected into their bloodstream. However, the patient is still awake and able to comply with the dentist’s instructions.

A profound sense of relaxation will take the place of fear and anxiety. The majority of patients will also report feeling as though time has flown by and having little memory of the event. Patients typically enjoy dental sedation, which is similar to being slightly drunk but without a hangover! An anaesthetist or a dentist with training and experience administers it. It’s an extremely safe process.

The dentist or anaesthetist can easily adjust the dosage of the sedative to achieve the desired level of sedation, and it takes effect very quickly. Patients can leave treatment immediately because the medication has a short half-life, but a chaperone is still legally needed.

Before the treatment, blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation measurements will be taken. We will also make certain you are comfortable and prepared before administering sedation. The dentist who saw you for the consultation and treatment planning will do the dental work while you are sedated.

The dentist will try to complete as much of the treatment in one appointment as possible in order to reduce the number of sedation appointments. This usually takes two hours or so. Your comfort, safety, and well-being are the top priorities for the nurse and anaesthetist, who will be closely monitoring you and the pulse oximeter readings at all times.

After finishing the sedation procedure, the patient is taken to the sofa to unwind for a bit before being driven home by a friend or family member. It is recommended that patients avoid driving, working, or using machinery for the remainder of the day.

We are pleased to report that the patients we have sedatively treated have left us with positive reviews. Dental Clinic Chelsea might be the right choice for people who are afraid of dentists but still want to get over their fear and have healthy teeth.


An oral dental sedative is administered to alleviate tension and anxiety. A prescription for one sedative to be taken in the morning and another to be taken the night before treatment will be given to you. These drugs have a sedative effect that makes it easier for you to unwind. Local anaesthetic will still be used by your dentist to prevent pain while you receive treatment.


Drowsiness, dry mouth, headaches, fogginess, or forgetting what happened during the dental procedure are possible side effects of sedation. The majority of people find that the advantages of oral sedation dentistry far outweigh these minor side effects, which typically go away in a few hours.


  • Do the examinations hurt?

    A dental exam doesn’t have to be painful at all.

  • Dental Clinic Chelsea’s dentists schedule examinations, which typically last forty minutes.

  • We typically advise dental exams for patients who have good oral health once every six months.

  • It might take several visits for patients who haven’t seen a dentist in a long time. The frequency of visits should decrease as your gums and teeth begin to function better.