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GENERAL DENTISTRY – General Dental Checkup

Frequent visits to a dental hygienist can lower your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Additionally, dental hygienists can lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Seeking care from a dental hygienist contributes to both maintaining good oral health and overall health. A dental hygienist’s primary duties include removing tartar and plaque from teeth and teaching you the proper techniques for brushing and flossing that will leave your gums and teeth as healthy as possible.

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Many dental and general health issues are brought on by the accumulation of plaque, calculus, and bacteria on the teeth. Among the most common dental issues that people face are periodontitis (irreversible gum disease), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), and bad breath (halitosis). Dental hygienists can assist with the prevention or management of gingivitis, bad breath, and more serious conditions such as periodontitis, an irreversible gum disease. A dental hygienist’s care can also enhance a person’s overall health by lowering their chance of heart disease and Alzheimer’s.

More recently, several studies have demonstrated a strong link between gum disease and the later onset of Alzheimer’s disease. It has been discovered that many of the bacteria and the products they produce, which are linked to the common type of gum disease, are also present in the brains of people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Individuals can gain from seeing a dental hygienist to maintain better oral health in ways they may not have previously realised!

A dental hygienist’s duties also include cleaning teeth and removing deposits, as well as providing additional motivation and guidance on how to maintain good oral health based on your particular needs. Recall that gum disease causes more tooth loss than tooth decay.

To simply enjoy the therapeutic effect of the treatment, which would leave you feeling renewed and refreshed, is another reason to visit a dental hygienist. You feel more alive and in good health when your mouth feels good. We have dental hygienist services available in our clinic, and you can schedule a consultation with one of them. Visiting a dental hygienist before seeing a dentist is not required.


Best General Dental Clinic Chelsea

The ability to demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques is one of a dental hygienist’s most crucial responsibilities. Inappropriate brushing methods can lead to cavities in the teeth and irreversible gum recession. One of the best brushing techniques with the least amount of risk to teeth and gums is the Modified Bass Technique [click video to watch].

Having proper dental hygiene includes flossing once a day. Plaque that a toothbrush is unable to reach between teeth is removed by flossing. It’s crucial to use the proper flossing technique to remove plaque efficiently.



    Seeing a dental hygienist regularly can help you avoid periodontal disease, bleeding gums, and dental decay (caries).

  • Absolutely, dental hygienists with training in teeth-whitening techniques are qualified to perform the task.

  • The possibility of tooth damage following a dental hygiene clean procedure is incredibly low.

  • Getting a dental hygiene clean doesn’t have to hurt.

  • Dental hygienists are not qualified to perform permanent fillings or tooth extractions.


You can feel confident in your breath with routine dental hygienist visits. Using the newest technology, such as Air Polishing Machines that delicately remove unsightly stains without harming

your teeth, we provide the least painful teeth cleaning procedures to give you that amazing feeling of refreshed teeth.

We include fissure sealants, diet counselling, fluoride application, and instruction on oral hygiene in our programme to prevent a variety of dental issues.


Even though you just brushed your teeth and gums, if you still feel like they could be cleaner, you are probably right. A dental hygienist consultation is warranted. A practically colourless film called plaque builds up on your teeth over time. Comprised of partially digested food particles, bacteria, and salivary proteins, it is concealed in difficult-to-reach areas between your teeth and gums.

Dental Hygienist in Chelsea Advantage

Your gums become swollen and sensitive due to plaque bacteria, which eventually results in chronic gum disease. The loss of the bone that firmly anchors the teeth in the jaws may result from this if treatment is not received. This may cause the impacted teeth to loosen and eventually fall out.

Bacteria that enter the bloodstream are known to weaken the immune system and to be contributing factors in various health issues, particularly cardiovascular diseases.

Because they enjoy the feeling of renewal and refreshment that comes with every visit, people typically see a hygienist more often than a dentist. Every time a patient sees a dental hygienist, they will examine the soft tissues of the mouth, and they are likely to detect any anomalies early on. This can aid in the early detection of numerous oral health issues, including oral cancer, for which early detection is essential.

You will now understand why it is so important to brush and floss your teeth every day to completely remove dental plaque!


Using the right brushing techniques is essential to good dental hygiene. Make sure the brush you select is medium strength, small headed, and has a comfortable handle for a secure grip. These characteristics make it easier to position the brush head where it will be most effective—on the tooth or gum.

To remove plaque from the stagnation areas at the gum margins around the teeth’s necks, place the brush’s filaments at the tooth’s neck, pointing into the gum area. Then, use very brief “wiggling” movements. Make tiny movements and apply light pressure; avoid wearing your teeth down! Make sure to thoroughly clean every surface of every tooth. A “pen grip” might reduce the amount of time you spend using excessive force.


These brushes have the potential to clean surfaces quite effectively if used correctly and following the manufacturer’s instructions. The electric toothbrush and the ultrasonic toothbrush are the two primary varieties of power brushes.

Electric Toothbrushes

These are similar in size and comfort to a good manual brush, but they also feature a powered oscillating and rotating action that makes the job of effectively removing plaque much easier for many. The automated brush movement takes care of the little brushstrokes. However, you must use the proper amount of pressure and position the brush at the gum and tooth margins, among other locations.

Ultrasonic Toothbrushes

A microprocessor is used by ultrasonic toothbrushes to produce a sonic brushing frequency of 31,000 soft brush strokes per minute. Plaque bacteria are effectively removed from hard-to-reach areas between teeth and below the gum line by the powerful cleaning action of “dynamic fluid forces” produced by the sonic waves in conjunction with direct bristle contact.